HR Auditing

The primary purpose of an HR audit is to identify areas of improvement, relieve risks, and ensure HR practices contribute to organizational success.

Ammon can review & check your HR administration existing program, employee handbook, policies and procedures to ensure that they are compliant with the Myanmar Labor law.
  • Compliance Audits
  • Ensuring HR policies and practices compliance with Existing Myanmar labor employment laws and regulations and ILO guideline.
  • Policy and Procedure Audits
  • Evaluating the effectiveness and consistency of HR policies and procedures.
  • Recruitment and Selection Audits
  • Assessing the effectiveness of the organization’s recruitment and selection processes
    Evaluating recruitment strategies, job postings, applicant tracking systems, interviewing techniques and background checks.
  • Training and Development Audits
  • Assessing the organization’s training and development programs.

    Assessing Training needs, delivery methods, content relevance and evaluation processes.
  • Compensation and Benefits Audits
  • Examining the fairness, competitiveness, and compliance of the organization’s compensation and benefits’ practices.

    Complying with Existing labor employment laws and regulations for working hour, overtime and others.
  • Employee Relations Audits
  • Reviewing the Employment contract, professional contract, project base contract.

    Reviewing grievance procedures, conflict resolution mechanisms, employee feedback mechanisms and communication strategies.
  • Data Security and Privacy Audits
  • Focusing on essential data security and privacy that is reliance on HRIS (Human Resource Information Systems) which measure to

    safeguard sensitive employee information.

  • Workforce Analytics Audits
  • Focusing on assessing the organization’s ability to collect, analyze, and utilize HR data.

    Evaluating the quality of HR metrics and analytics, data accuracy, reporting capabilities, and the integration of workforce data.
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